Saturday, September 26, 2009

What Fresh Hell Is This?

Marketing through Mommy Blogs? It seems so cheesy, like Pampered Chef Parties or Tupperware gathering from the 60s.
As I delve into the Mommy blogosphere to look at attempts to market to moms-- Dorothy Parkers’ comment keeps on coming to mind: "What fresh hell is this?"

I must admit--I love a few mommy blogs..the ones with smart, deeply sarcastic writers like Dooce by Heather Armstrong and the blogs that take up strong and unpopular opinions on childrearing such as Free Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy.

But there is a whole other world out there with people who discuss ad nauseam--stain cleaners, the new M & M favors, vacuum cleaners--this world, I am almost certain, is the making of Madison Avenue and the Stepford Wives inventor combined.

I had NO IDEA until I entered a communications masters program that Mommy bloggers are a marketing force and moms in general are a HUGE market. Although moms as a huge market is not complete surprise to me (because god knows men can’t be bothered to go grocery shopping), I am very skeptical of how much influence a mommy blogger has on other mothers. You will not see me clicking through on an ad for Mucinex or Febreeze as I read my favorite blogs and for the most part the blogs I read are not discussing their taste-test of Pop Tarts....

With this blog I plan to explore the world of the mommy blogs to better understand their appeal, what they can do for mothers and, more importantly, what they can and cannot do for marketers. Can mom blogs REALLY start a buzz or are they just the new Tupperware party of the 21 century?

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